Preparing for Civil Unrest With Security Guards in Washington, D.C.

Preparing for Civil Unrest With Security Guards in Washington, D.C.

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Preparing for Civil Unrest With Security Guards in Washington, D.C.
Security guards and other services from CES Security are an excellent investment for commercial properties in Washington, D.C., and these tips can help business owners prepare for potential protests and civil unrest.

With protests ramping up throughout the country, businesses in the nation’s capital should consider boosting their existing security measures as we head into autumn. The tension surrounding police uses of force, the COVID-19 pandemic, our nation’s Supreme Court, and the upcoming election are bound to escalate over the coming months. Frustrated citizens on all sides of each issue are taking to the streets to voice their dissent, often peacefully. Still, commercial property owners have the right and responsibility to keep their facilities, employees, and visitors safe and protected. Security guards and other services from CES Security are an excellent investment for commercial properties in Washington, D.C., and these tips can help business owners prepare for potential protests and civil unrest.


Facility Protection Strategies: Parking Garage Safety

Facility Protection Strategies: Parking Garage Safety

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Facility Protection Strategies: Parking Garage Safety
Follow these facility protection tips to keep your parking garages and lots safe and secure.

While securing a commercial property’s interior and main buildings is often an obvious choice, some business owners and building managers don’t consider the facility protection needs of their parking garages and lots. Your employees and visitors can still be targeted for theft and assault once they exit your main buildings; often, criminals see people as more vulnerable as they walk to their vehicles in remote lots and garages. Follow these facility protection tips to keep your parking garages and lots safe and secure.


Asset Protection: Addressing Physical Threats to Information and Digital Assets

Asset Protection: Addressing Physical Threats to Information and Digital Assets

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Asset Protection: Addressing Physical Threats to Information and Digital Assets
Consider these points when developing an asset protection strategy for your business and get help from the experts at CES Security.

When it comes to facility and asset protection, most people think of physical and digital security concerns as entirely separate. However, physical security can have a significant impact on a company’s information and digital assets. Cybersecurity threats are not the only ones that can bring a business to a grinding halt; things like theft, vandalism, and access control breaches can have significant impacts on a company’s digital infrastructure and information management systems. Fortunately, many real-world threats can be deterred with physical security measures like security guards and mobile patrols. Consider these points when developing an asset protection strategy for your business and get help from the experts at CES Security.


How Baltimore Businesses Can Recover With Security Guards

How Baltimore Businesses Can Recover With Security Guards

Posted on Posted in Unarmed Security Guards
How Baltimore Businesses Can Recover With Security Guards
Hiring security guards is one way that Baltimore businesses can work towards recovery, and the experts at CES Security are ready to help.

With individuals and companies adjusting to a new normal, Baltimore business owners are looking to start recovering and regain some financial stability. While some businesses are opening up with precautions in place, many visitors and employees are still hesitant to leave the safety of their homes and return to public places and commercial spaces. With all of the complex issues facing Americans today, business owners must take a strategic approach to reopening, recovering, and rebuilding. Hiring security guards is one way that Baltimore businesses can work towards recovery, and the experts at CES Security are ready to help.


Qualities of Effective Desk Attendants

Qualities of Effective Desk Attendants

Posted on Posted in Desk Attendants
Qualities of Effective Desk Attendants
Here are some qualities that every effective desk attendant should possess.

While security guards are critical for a property’s protection and safety, some other staff members are vital as well. Desk attendants can serve various essential functions for commercial properties, from acting as access control monitors to providing valuable information and guidance to visitors. The team at CES Security offers both security guards and desk attendants for our clients in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, and our experienced professionals are ready to provide the best service possible for your business. Here are some qualities that every effective desk attendant should possess.
