Does it seem like businesses in your area are starting to increase security? Are your employees struggling to keep up with visitors’ requests? Does your access control strategy need some work? Hiring a team of desk attendants from CES Security may be the solution. Desk attendants are a valuable asset for any property, and they can help address issues in a variety of areas, including guest experience, access control, COVID-19 precaution compliance, and security. If your Maryland business is facing any of the following issues, consider hiring desk attendants from CES Security.
Guests are Being Ignored or Face Long Wait Times Due to a Lack of Desk Attendants
If your visitors routinely complain about long wait times or a lack of service, a team of qualified desk attendants is an excellent solution. Some Maryland businesses can manage without a dedicated receptionist or lobby attendant, but many companies need a professional who can act as the first point of contact for visitors.
Employees are Spending Considerable Time Answering Visitors’ Questions
Some businesses enlist their current employees to function as makeshift desk attendants. While this may work in some situations, many managers find that their employees get bogged down by visitor requests, phone calls, and other miscellaneous duties. When this happens, their other work can slip through the cracks. Hiring desk attendants from CES Security allows your employees to focus on the work you hired them for, and your guests get the benefit of high-quality service from professional desk attendants.
Businesses in Your Area are Increasing Their Security Measures
If you have noticed an increase in crime in your neighborhood, it might be time to invest in security services for your property. While security guards are the clear choice for improved facility security, desk attendants can also help deter crimes like theft, vandalism, and trespassing. Having a desk attendant stationed on-site shows would-be criminals that their activities won’t be left undetected.
Your Access Control Measures are Ineffective
Desk attendants are an excellent tool for access control. Whether you utilize a system of electronic locks, sign-in sheets, or other access control methods, desk attendants can help enforce these systems and detect any potential breaches. These professionals can also help enforce mask-wearing and social distancing policies, keeping your visitors and employees safe.
CES is Dedicated to Serving Our Community
Since opening in 1975, we have been committed to serving businesses in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. Our values include proactive communication, honesty, reliability, and quality. We also believe in paying unparalleled attention to detail, no matter which service you require us to provide.
Our services include the following: professional security teams for permanent, temporary, emergency and rapid-response support; around-the-clock patrols and management attention; concierge and hospitality staffing; and a dedicated mobile patrol service with associated staffing. Contact us for a free, professional consultation today! Call 443-471-7000. Don’t forget to follow us on social media through Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!