Hired Security Can Help Handle the Crowds This St. Patrick’s Day

Posted on Posted in Commercial Properties, Facility Protection, Security Strategies, Unarmed Security Guards

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday that embodies fun and features extensive pub crawls. Wearing green and having a drink with friends can be an enjoyable time, but some celebrators take their fun too far. When the crowds start to get rowdy, it’s a good idea to have security around during St. Patrick’s Day.

How Baltimore Businesses Can Recover With Security Guards

How Baltimore Businesses Can Recover With Security Guards

Posted on Posted in Unarmed Security Guards

With individuals and companies adjusting to a new normal, Baltimore business owners are looking to start recovering and regain some financial stability. While some businesses are opening up with precautions in place, many visitors and employees are still hesitant to leave the safety of their homes and return to public places and commercial spaces. With […]