Protest Preparedness Tips for Increased Facility Protection

Protest Preparedness Tips for Increased Facility Protection

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Protest Preparedness Tips for Increased Facility Protection
There are a few things that property owners can do to prepare for protests, demonstrations, and periods of civil unrest, and the facility protection experts at CES Security are here to help.

With cities across America facing demonstrations and periods of civil unrest, business owners and commercial property managers everywhere are scrambling to prepare. Regardless of one’s stance on the current issues at play, keeping facilities secure is a necessity for properties in many cities and suburbs. There are a few things that property owners can do to prepare for protests, demonstrations, and periods of civil unrest, and the facility protection experts at CES Security are here to help.


How Security Guards can Boost Customer Experience

How Security Guards can Boost Customer Experience

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How Security Guards can Boost Customer Experience
By choosing security guards and desk attendants from CES Security, you can rest assured that your guests will receive an excellent first impression.

While security guards are an essential part of facility protection, they can also provide significant customer service benefits for the visitors on your property. Security guards and desk attendants are often the first people that your visitors will interact with, and as such, they should be well-trained, courteous, knowledgeable, and presentable. By choosing security guards and desk attendants from CES Security, you can rest assured that your guests will receive an excellent first impression. Here are some of the ways that security guards can benefit customer experience.


Qualities of an Excellent Security Vehicle Patrol Officer

Qualities of an Excellent Security Vehicle Patrol Officer

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Qualities of an Excellent Security Vehicle Patrol Officer
Here are some of the qualities that can help a security vehicle patrol officer while on the job.

For properties that require widespread protection, security vehicle patrol offers a highly-visible security presence paired with fast response times. While these assignments can be very similar to foot patrols and stationary placements, a few additional qualities must be present in those who perform patrols in a vehicle. CES Security serves clients of every size, and security vehicle patrol services can suit a variety of properties. Here are some of the qualities that can help a security vehicle patrol officer while on the job.


Security Guards as a Tool for Crisis Management

Security Guards as a Tool for Crisis Management

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Security Guards as a Tool for Crisis Management
This week, we explore the vital role that security guards and expert planning play in crisis management.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has been dominating news and media outlets for the last few months, business owners and facility managers know that effective emergency preparedness requires planning for a wide range of contingencies. Crisis management can be incredibly difficult for properties that are unprepared, but planning ahead and enlisting the help of experienced security guards can help your facility weather any storm. This week, we explore the vital role that security guards and expert planning play in crisis management. At CES Security, we are proud to offer security guards and other services to help our clients stay prepared.


Trends in Security Services: How COVID-19 is Changing Security Strategies

Trends in Security Services: How COVID-19 is Changing Security Strategies

Posted on Posted in Security Strategies
Trends in Security Services: How COVID-19 is Changing Security Strategies
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies that provide security services must adapt and deliver effective solutions to keep their clients protected.

Businesses in every industry have faced new challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and maintaining a high degree of physical security during these unpredictable times has been a struggle for many companies. An enormous amount of pressure has been placed on all facilities: closed businesses need to protect their assets, organizations with scaled-back operations need to maintain order and security, and essential facilities must remain fully functional and safe. To meet the developing security needs of their clients, companies that provide security services must adapt and deliver effective solutions. At CES Security, our team is still hard at work providing top-notch security services for our clients in Maryland and Washington, D.C.
