How to Manage Crowds at Your Event with a Security Guard this Year

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How to Manage Crowds at Your Event with a Security Guard this Year
A well-trained security guard should know how to handle some of the most challenging situations.

A common duty of a security guard is keeping crowds under control. It is very easy for a crowd to become disruptive during a special event like a festival or sporting event. One of the best ways to manage a large crowd of people is to have well-trained security personnel on site. For that reason, we have compiled a list of reasons a security guard can help manage crowds at your event this year. (more…)

How A Security Guard Can Successfully Patrol An Area

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How A Security Guard Can Successfully Patrol An Area
Creating a consistently professional routine not only looks great to supervisors, but it helps dissuade potential criminals and threats.

Knowing how to patrol successfully can make a huge difference in how well you do as a security guard. Following through with good patrol habits can ensure that you are performing better, but also help to make you look more professional. Creating a consistently professional routine not only looks great to supervisors, but it helps dissuade potential criminals and threats. Next time you head to your security guard job, try utilizing a few of these tips. (more…)

Why Your Upcoming Event Needs A Security Presence

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Why Your Upcoming Event Needs A Security Presence
Experienced event security personnel will help you maintain order within your event.

A large social gathering can be a massive undertaking. To successfully plan and execute an event with a large number of attendees, you need some level of security presence. CES Security routinely provides security and event personnel to fulfill various needs of an event. We offer meeting room monitors/session attendants, ushers, ticket takers, greeters, and directional staff. Since we want to stress the importance of event security, we have compiled a few of the main reasons why your upcoming event needs to have a security presence. (more…)

3 Overlooked Responsibilities of A Security Guard

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5 Responsibilities Of A Security Guard
Give CES a call today!

Security needs to be a priority of any commercial space. Since security threats can arise at any moment, it is imperative that your business is always prepared with the right security measures to reduce the chances of an emergency. One of the best ways to keep a commercial space is to employ a team of trained security personnel. Many businesses do not appreciate the importance of security personnel because they do not understand all of the benefits they can provide. Unfortunately, many of the responsibilities of a security guard often go overlooked. For that reason, we have compiled some of the most overlooked duties of a security guard today. Consider these responsibilities, and maybe you will realize that a security guard is right for your business! (more…)

What Makes A Successful Security Guard Today

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What Makes A Successful Security Guard Today
As a security guard, you must be able to communicate with and provide direction to people effectively.

Businesses should set their standards/expectations high for their security personnel. These individuals have an important responsibility for keeping people and property safe. We have compiled a brief list of some of the most essential qualities of a security guard. Keep reading and discover what comprises of a successful security guard today. (more…)