People in Maryland and the District of Columbia are making the most of this month’s warm weather and easing COVID restrictions by getting out and doing things. Whether it’s heading to brick-and-mortar offices, visiting local businesses, or seeing loved ones, folks in the area are keeping busy. This translates to busier lobbies and more guests for businesses to handle. Fortunately, lobby attendants from CES Security are standing by to help guests in a variety of settings. Here are some things for lobby attendants to keep in mind as businesses face massive summer crowds:
Lobby Attendants Should Expect More Guests and Passersby
Summertime is often a busy period for all kinds of properties, and lobby attendants should be ready to step up to the plate. Whether this season is typically busy for your business or not, your facility will likely see more visitors and passersby as people get out and get active. Lobby attendants must be ready to address any questions, requests, and challenges that the swarm of guests will bring their way, and business owners and managers must keep a staff of lobby attendants on hand to meet these needs.
Lobby Attendants Should Keep Their Guard Up
Unfortunately, busy times for your business can also lead to increased instances of property crime. Vandals, thieves, and trespassers are coming out in full force this summer too, and a busy lobby can be distracting for your personnel. Distractions from guests, clients, and visitors can leave your property vulnerable, which is why lobby attendants must stay alert and guarded throughout the busy season. While many criminals seek privacy and seclusion for their activities, others rely on the cover of a busy crowd, so make sure to keep an ample amount of lobby attendants and security staff on hand to keep a watchful eye over everything.
Communication is Key for Lobby Attendants and Security Personnel
Just as emails can get lost in a busy inbox, suspicious characters can get lost in the shuffle of a busy property. In high-traffic areas and hectic situations, communication among on-site personnel is key. Lobby attendants, security guards, employees, and management must remain in constant contact to ensure that all security challenges and vulnerabilities are taken into account. Working with a team of security experts is the best way to keep your facility protected, especially during busy times. Contact the professionals at CES Security for lobby attendants, security guards, and security services!
CES is Dedicated to Serving Our Community
Since opening in 1975, we have been committed to serving businesses in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. Our values include proactive communication, honesty, reliability, and quality. We also believe in paying unparalleled attention to detail, no matter which service you require us to provide.
Our services include the following: professional security teams for permanent, temporary, emergency and rapid-response support; around-the-clock patrols and management attention; concierge and hospitality staffing; and a dedicated mobile patrol service with associated staffing. Contact us for a free, professional consultation today! Call 443-471-7000. Don’t forget to follow us on social media through Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!