The Role of Security Guards in Preventing Vandalism in Apartments and Condos

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Vandalism is a serious concern for property managers and residents of apartment complexes and condominiums. Graffiti, broken windows, damaged elevators, and other forms of property destruction not only reduce the aesthetic appeal of a community but also lead to costly repairs and a decline in property values. One of the most effective ways to deter […]

Hotel Security: 4 Threats to Manage With Security Guards

Hotel Security: 4 Threats to Manage With Security Guards

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With the holidays coming up, hotels and other businesses in the hospitality industry are likely to see seasonal increases in demand. This can strain an already overworked workforce; hospitality workers must juggle typical holiday stresses and COVID-19 concerns while serving guests. Hiring a capable team of security guards can help manage potential security threats during […]

Lobby Attendants, Security Guards, and More: Deterring Loiterers, Vandals, and Trespassers

Lobby Attendants, Security Guards, and More: Deterring Loiterers, Vandals, and Trespassers

Posted on Posted in Desk Attendants

Businesses have faced countless challenges this year, the most notable of which has been the COVID-19 pandemic. As people return to stores, hotels, and offices, businesses face an additional challenge: reigniting consumer confidence in in-person shopping and services. One crucial way to boost business is to make guests comfortable, and few things can disrupt a […]