Have you given any thought into investing in security personnel for your building? It is a valuable investment that will benefit a business in many regards. Keep reading and discover how a security guard can keep your commercial building safe in 2019 and for years to come!
Prevents Loitering
Not only are individuals who loiter outside your building a nuisance, but also create a safety concern. In some cases, loiterers are waiting for the right moment to commit a crime. Loitering can discourage customers from entering your place of business because they make the area appear questionable. A security guard can politely ask all loiterers to leave the premises, which helps keeps all of your property secure.
Deters Theft
A thief is going to think twice about targeting a commercial building if there are security guards on site. When property is stolen from your business, it can create a major financial hardship. In order to help your business avoid being victimized by a thief, have a security guard inside your building that will monitor all of your visitors and be on the lookout for any suspicious behavior. Not only will a security guard deter theft from the outsiders, but they will also deter employee theft as well.
Deters Vandalism
Vandalism is a concern for any commercial business. The law categorizes damages to property, like graffiti or egg throwing as vandalism. If you have reason to believe that vandalism is a real concern for your building, a security guard presence is your best option for preventing this from happening. A security guard who patrols the area should drastically reduce the chances of vandalism.
Gives Peace Of Mind To Your Customers and Employees
People appreciate knowing they are safe and secure. The presence of a security guard makes most people feel more at ease and allows them to relax. This is true for customers, as well as employees.
CES is Dedicated to Serving Our Community
Since opening in 1975, we have been committed to serving businesses in the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland. Our values include proactive communication, honesty, reliability, and quality. We also believe in paying unparalleled attention to detail, no matter which service you require us to provide.
Our services include the following: Professional security teams for permanent, temporary, emergency and rapid-response support; around-the-clock patrols and management attention; concierge and hospitality staffing; and a dedicated mobile patrol service with associated staffing. Contact us for a free, professional consultation today! Call 443-471-7000. Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media through Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn!