The Importance of Activity Logs

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The Importance of Activity Logs
Having your security guards complete activity logs throughout the course of each shift helps ensure that there is detailed information about any incidents or issues observed that can help you better prepare for the future.

When your team of security guards goes on patrol, they need to keep track of everything that happened in a given shift. That’s why activity logs are so crucial: they help record any significant events encountered or issues observed while performing premises rounds. (more…)

How to Ensure Parking Lot Safety

Posted on Posted in Commercial Properties
How to Ensure Parking Lot Safety
Clear communication must exist between visitors, employees, and security personnel. This communication helps to ensure parking lot safety and reduce liability.

The parking lot is one of the important parts of any commercial property. Here, guests and visitors can store their cars while they are visiting your building and then return to it once they are done. Ensuring parking lot safety is one of the ways you can make your business more welcoming and reduce liability. (more…)

End of the School Year Security at Commercial Properties

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End of the School Year Security at Commercial Properties
As schools prepare for the end of the year and the summer vacation, increasing security around commercial properties becomes even more important.

The end of the academic year is in sight. As schools prepare for the end of the year and the summer vacation, increasing security around commercial properties becomes even more important. Here are two instances of security concerns that happen more frequently when school is not currently in session. That will require an enhanced security presence to protect commercial properties of any kind, such as malls, shopping centers, and standalone retail stores once school has let out for the summer. (more…)


Posted on Posted in Workplace Violence Prevention Programs
We now live in a society where workplace violence is no longer a rare anomaly. A uniformed Security Officer at the Front Desk or Main Entrance can be a reassuring presence to observe and monitor behavior and alert management of any perceived potential for violence.

We now live in a society where workplace violence is no longer a rare anomaly. It happens more often than we expect and we can no longer ignore this potential threat to workers. It is, therefore, critical for any company to adopt a plan that is designed to identify potential workplace violence and educate its workforce on indicators as well as how to react if a workplace violence event occurs. (more…)