How To Assist Your Security Personnel During Inclement Winter Weather

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How To Assist Your Security Personnel During Inclement Winter Weather
 A security guards job is significantly more difficult when they are working through unfavorable weather conditions.

While it is great to have an excellent trained security team monitoring your facilities, a business owner also plays a necessary role in the protection of their employees. The winter season often brings a fair amount of snow to the Mid-Atlantic region. It is important to realize that a security guards job is significantly more difficult when they are working through unfavorable weather conditions. A snowstorm will limit a person’s visibility and present a variety of other challenges. Keep reading and discover a few tips for assisting your security personnel during inclement winter weather. (more…)

Why Around-the-Clock Patrols are Essential for the Security of Your Business

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Why Around-the-Clock Patrols are Essential for the Security of Your Business
Around-the-clock patrols can keep your business safe and secure!

To almost any business owner, the security of their business is a top priority at all times. Because security threats can arise at any time, it is crucial to be prepared with the right security measures that can minimize risk of an emergency for your business. From a potential fire to a break-in, a threat to the security of your business is possible at any time of day. For this reason, it is critical to invest in a professional security service with around-the-clock patrols to protect your business from these potential threats as they arise. Consider the many reasons why around-the-clock patrols are essential for the security of your business. (more…)

How to Improve the Security of Your Facility With This Simple Step

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How to Improve the Security of Your Facility With This Simple Step
Unarmed security guards provide people with a heightened sense of security.

Safety and security should always be a priority of any commercial facility. Employees, customers, and guests should be provided with protection at all times. One of the best ways to enhance the security of your premises is to invest in an unarmed security team. Keep reading and discover a few of the top benefits of using unarmed security guards in your facility. (more…)

How On-Site Security Can Benefit Your Business

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How On-Site Security Can Benefit Your Business
Having on-site security puts trained professionals between your business and those who have ill intent.

Many businesses are having discussions about cybersecurity and keeping your data and finances protected. However, there is still very much a need to establish security at your business’s physical location. Read on to discover the benefits of providing on-site security for your business.   (more…)

Why Event Security is Essential for Your Outdoor Event This Fall

Posted on Posted in Facility Protection
Why Event Security is Essential for Your Outdoor Event This Fall
Crowd management may be necessary at your event.

With temperatures finally cooling off for the year, fall is the perfect season for outdoor events that bring people together. While large gatherings make for a fun event, security becomes an essential safety measure for protecting events with a large turnout. Whether your organization is hosting a festival, an outdoor show, or an open house, consider the many reasons why event security is such a crucial safety measure for your outdoor event this fall. (more…)