3 Asset Protection Tips for Warehouses

3 Asset Protection Tips for Warehouses

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3 Asset Protection Tips for Warehouses
Here are three asset protection tips for warehouse owners and employees to ensure that your property is safe and secure.

When most folks hear the term “asset protection,” they likely think of loss prevention in the context of retail environments. However, asset protection has many different forms. Large commercial properties like warehouses, construction sites, and factories also have asset protection needs. If you own, operate, or work in a warehouse or other large commercial space, you need to know how to deter crime and theft on your property. Here are three asset protection tips for warehouse owners and employees to ensure that your property is safe and secure.


3 Benefits of Hiring Security Guards in Maryland

3 Benefits of Hiring Security Guards in Maryland

Posted on Posted in Commercial Properties
3 Benefits of Hiring Security Guards in Maryland
From corporate headquarters to manufacturing plants, Maryland businesses of any size and scope can benefit from having security guards in the following ways.

The economy of the state of Maryland has grown exponentially since its early days of tobacco and steel production. While agriculture and manufacturing are still integral to the state’s economy, information technology, healthcare, and corporate services have become substantial industries in Maryland. With this rapid growth comes new challenges in security and asset protection. Commercial properties in all sectors have safety concerns, and security guards are a great way to address those issues and protect properties, employees, and assets. From corporate headquarters to manufacturing plants, Maryland businesses of any size and scope can benefit from having security guards in the following ways.


3 Reasons to Hire Uniformed Security Officers for Your Business

3 Reasons to Hire Uniformed Security Officers for Your Business

Posted on Posted in Commercial Properties
3 Reasons to Hire Uniformed Security Officers for Your Business
Here are three reasons to hire uniformed security officers to protect your business.

Security cameras and fences are great, but there is something to be said for the human element of perimeter security. Guards can provide insight, critical thinking, and experience that machines just cannot match. If your business is having security problems, you should seriously consider hiring uniformed security officers to patrol your property or be stationed at points of entry. Here are three reasons to hire uniformed security officers to protect your business.


Why Should You Invest in Mobile Patrol Officers?

Posted on Posted in Facility Protection
mobile patrol officers
Read on to learn more about the benefits of investing in mobile patrol officers for your commercial property.

Many folks who own or operate businesses in construction, storage, and other industries struggle with the security demands of large commercial properties. Keeping spacious lots and warehouses secure during and after business hours can be a battle. Fortunately, the security experts at CES Security are here to help. Mobile patrol officers can be the perfect solution for expansive areas, and working with a security team can be a valuable investment for any business. Read on to learn more about the benefits of investing in mobile patrol officers for your commercial property.


3 Ways A Security Consultation Can Help Protect Your Business

Posted on Posted in Security Strategies


security consultation
Whether you’re trying to protect a construction site, a warehouse, or another type of commercial property, you should consider a security consultation from CES Security to help you keep your business safe.

Physical security is paramount for any business, but not all business owners know what to look for in a security company. Even fewer business owners know where to start when it comes to putting together a security plan. A security consultation from CES Security can help you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your current physical security measures, anticipate future safety needs of your facility, and give you options for how to proceed going forward. Here are three ways that a security consultation can help keep your business safe.
