Asset Protection is a Vital Part of Business Growth

Asset Protection is a Vital Part of Business Growth

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Asset Protection is a Vital Part of Business Growth
In this blog, we discuss the link between physical asset protection and business growth.

Markets have been volatile over the last year, with many industries saturated with businesses that are just trying to stay afloat. Still, many business owners have weathered the storm and found a new stasis. Maintaining daily operations, planning for the future, and fostering growth requires dedication and resources, and there are many ways for business owners and managers to encourage growth. Investing in asset protection measures and bolstering your physical security strategy is an essential step toward a brighter future for your business. In this blog, we discuss the link between physical asset protection and business growth.


Hire Lobby Attendants for These Types of Properties

Hire Lobby Attendants for These Types of Properties

Posted on Posted in Desk Attendants
Hire Lobby Attendants for These Types of Properties
If your office, hotel, or other commercial property could use some extra support in the reception area, consider hiring lobby attendants from CES Security.

Giving each and every visitor the attention they need can be tricky, no matter what kind of business you operate. Having a dedicated staff member on hand to address any questions, emergencies, or visitor requests is a great solution. Still, it’s not always feasible to station a full-time employee in your lobby. If your office, hotel, or other commercial property could use some extra support in the reception area, consider hiring lobby attendants from CES Security.


Security Services Patrol: 3 Benefits for Baltimore Businesses

Security Services Patrol: 3 Benefits for Baltimore Businesses

Posted on Posted in Facility Protection
Security Services Patrol: 3 Benefits for Baltimore Businesses
Consider these three benefits of a security services patrol for your Baltimore business, and be sure to contact CES Security for security guards, mobile patrols, and desk attendants.

A comprehensive set of security measures is vital for any commercial property. Baltimore business owners in every neighborhood and industry face unique security challenges, but an experienced security services provider can help limit risks and address potential threats. A security services patrol is a particularly valuable tool for business owners and facility managers responsible for large properties. Consider these three benefits of a security services patrol for your Baltimore business, and be sure to contact CES Security for security guards, mobile patrols, and desk attendants.


Facility Protection After Dark: Common Security Risks After Hours

Facility Protection After Dark: Common Security Risks After Hours

Posted on Posted in Facility Protection
Facility Protection After Dark: Common Security Risks After Hours
Here are some reasons to consider boosting your facility protection measures after hours.

Is your building secure when you’re not around? Criminals often strike at night to take advantage of the cover that darkness can provide, and fewer employees and visitors on site can make theft and vandalism much easier. Facility protection is crucial at all times, not just during business hours. Security guards and mobile patrols can help business owners and facility managers keep their properties safe from a slew of common security threats, day or night. The experts at CES Security are committed to providing our clients with peace of mind and protection 24/7. Here are some reasons to consider boosting your facility protection measures after hours.


Debunking 3 Myths About Security Guards

Debunking 3 Myths About Security Guards

Posted on Posted in Facility Protection
Debunking 3 Myths About Security Guards
Keep reading to learn more about three common myths about security guards, and contact the experts at CES Security for more information about working with a security team for your facility.

Taking the plunge and investing in security guards for your property can be a daunting prospect, particularly if you have no experience working with a security services provider. First-time clients can have a slew of misconceptions about security guards and related services. Fortunately, these myths can be dispelled easily. Keep reading to learn more about three common myths about security guards, and contact the experts at CES Security for more information about working with a security team for your facility.
